Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Wiener or Cock??

This is a game my husband and I play. I know it sounds weird but it's fun. It's pretty self-explanatory: you see someone and you decided if he has a baby wiener or a big cock? I pretty much do the guessing and my husband laughs at my response and my reasons for choosing one or the other.

So, the other day we were playing 'Wiener or Cock?' and I was guessing about one of his friends and do you know what he did? He texts his friend and tells him "Dude, my wife thinks you have a little baby wiener." Can you believe that?

Rule #1: You do not talk about 'Wiener or Cock?'.


Tricia said...

We totally play this game. Don't call it by that name. But we play. There are several obvious indicators to penis size that truly help when playing.

1. If your car is too showy and fancy, you are compensating. This goes for those fucking stupid huge tires. It's a truck. That you drive down 290. It does not need that. Unless of course your penis is tiny.

2. If you drive like an asshole, treat clerks/waitresses/etc like shit, or try to act all tough, you probably have a small penis. That dude over there minding his own business? He has a big penis, and he has nothing to prove to you.

I could go on...but I am sure you already know. And dude, Luis, you don't tell someone what the results are....unless you are sure she is wrong.

Tara R. said...

Goes without saying, just like Fight Club, first rule - don't talk about Fight Club, or Weiner or Cock.

Allie said...

Tricia, I know, the friend of his walks around with his chest all puffed out and acts like a total tool, definitely overcompensation going on.

Tara, exactly! Everyone knows the rules, even if they've never played the game.